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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Club Contacts



President & Newsletter Editor
Larry Saupe 
(513) 923-1612

Vice President
Jim Cox
(937) 603-4630

Dick Fisher
(513) 373-6842

Education Committee
Chad Martin 
(859) 907-9865

John Petersen
(513) 435-1894

Newsletter Publisher
Keith Mealy 
(513) 300-9559

Group Leaders

Northwest Group
Herb Retzsch
(513) 777-9174

Matthew Cataudello
(401) 651-4814

Southwest Group
Bill Fee
(513) 292-2875

Dan Wunderlich
(513) 675-0625

Central Group
Aaron Reizner
(513) 666-2180

Dave McHenry
(513) 777-7339

Northeast Group
Stephen Fridrick
(513) 225-4513

Kyle Willis
(618) 771-6807

Southeast Group
John Libbert
(513) 575-5550

Keith Watson
(740) 707-8094

Audio Visual Team

Jay Ratcliff
(859) 283-1939


Kyle Willis
(618) 771-6807


Dick Lenz
(513) 777-5525

Jim Schaefer Toy Project

Dick Wesling
(513) 570-6368

Children's Hospital Projects

Charlie Harte
(513) 489-5252

Jackson Area Ministries Project


Ken Koch
(513) 683-0338



For descriptions of roles & responsibilities, click CWC ROLE DESCRIPTIONS

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